You might come across plenty of online typing speed tests that's boring and not so fun to do repeatedly. Typeracer is a new kid on the block that makes typing and finding your speed a fun process. It's a social typing game that lets you match your typing speed against strangers or friends by letting you see how your skills stack up against others. Let me tell you, it's extremely addictive and you will be going to fire your keyboard again and again.
Enter the RACE...
TypeRacer demands you to type a comparatively short snippet of text, which may be a citation from a book, movie, or something else you can buy on Amazon (they are affiliated with Amazon of course!). As you're typing, a little car will move across the screen and you can see other drivers/typists racing. Fresh races begin pretty regularly so you should only have to wait a few seconds to join a race. Just recall, if you drop a bit much time eying the competition, you're going to fall back and so you'll never make the high scores list.
and adding icing to the cake, your stats are tracked by cookies too.
Enjoy the thrilling typing speed test!
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