One of the best features of the space program has always been astronaut photography, and here are the some of the best shots of Earth's skies, taken from above - way above (over 200 miles to be precise).
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1: Cumulonimbus Cloud over Africa - 2/5/2008
2: Anvil clouds seen at sunset.
3: Storm clouds over the Libya/Chad border, Africa - 10/18/2003
4: Over the Gulf of Mexico - 1/8/2007
5: A cloud wake appears on the downwind side of Isla Socorro, Mexico - 2/12/2000
6: Golden sunset reflected over the Pacific Ocean - 4/26/2008
7: Thunderheads loom over the US Midwest - 8/19/2003
8: A dust storm appears over Mali, Sahara Desert - 6/6/2001
9: Moonset, over the Caribbean - 10/10/2007
10: Lightning flashes, city lights, sunset, Aurora Australis, atmospheric glow and some stars, seen over Argentina on 4/23/2003
11: Cloud, dust storm over central China - 6/3/2002
12: Storm clouds over Central Africa - 5/4/2005
13: Atmospheric distortion apparently flattens the moon as it sets, seen from above Cuba, 2/24/2005
Image courtesy of the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center
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