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Innovative 'Midomi' Music search!  

A.R.Karthick , , , , Comments

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Let's face this! you listened to some cool music/song and forgot what song that was or lost it's traces somehow? Well, then you have to search for it in Google all day without much success. But not any more! All you need is a Microphone and Midomi.

PhotobucketMidomi is the transcendent music search tool and it's pretty unique in concept as it is powered by your voice. Sing, hum, or whistle to instantly find your favorite music and connect with a community that shares your musical interests. Give it a try. It's truly stunning!

At Midomi you can create your own profile, sing your favorite songs and share them with your friends and get searched by other midomi users. You can listen to and rate others' musical performances, see their pictures, send them messages, buy original music, and more.


Midomi features an extensive digital music store with a growing collection of more than two million legal music tracks. You can listen to samples of original recordings, buy the full studio versions directly.

Midomi's mission is to build the most comprehensive database of searchable music. You can contribute to the database by singing in Midomi's online recording studio in any language or genre. The next time anyone searches for that song, your performance might be the top result!

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