What looks like a 'Alien suit'...
isn't a 'Alien suit' at all! It's a wearable bike/motorcycle, named "Yamaha Deus Ex Machina (God Out of a Machine)" designed/created by Art Center Pasadena student Jake Loniak.
Bye bye to too boring conventional linear bikes! Enter the Biomechatronics (Biology, Mechanics, and Electronics) inspired, the Deus Ex Machina which is an electric, single passenger, vertically parking and wearable motorcycle controlled by 36 pneumatic muscles with 2 linear actuators. It is worn like an exoskeleton and features seven artificial vertebra as well as the pneumatically attached helmet.
The motor is in-wheel, powered by ultra-capacitors and doped nano-phoshpate batteries similar to those already used in hybrids. It's also capable of 0 to 60Mph in three seconds and top speed is 75Mph with a recharge time of 15 minutes and cycle time of one hour. Hats off to Mr.Loniak for designing such a hightech, sci-fi urban transportation machine. Although it's still in proto design, hope it'll sell like a hot cake when it'll release.
Via GreenCarDesign, Engadget and BeSportier
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