Imagine a earthquake of magnitude 7.9 richter scale just rocks the entire nation right after your wedding ceremony! Scary indeed. The wedding shots by Wang Qiang and other photographers on May 12 in the town of Bailu are an eerie record of China's deadliest natural disaster in a generation. Take a look at few of those snaps.
- Poor couple, just before the incident
- Debris falling all over. This 100 year old building couldn't stand a chance to survive this earthquake. Eyewitnesses said that the entire building just collapsed with in 10 to 20 seconds.
- Couples, relatives, everyone attended the party and the entire place was filled with dust cloud.
- Aftermath of an earthquake
- Luckily in this ceremony, no one got hurt heavily and all the 33 members (incl: the couples) survived the earthquake while the entire nation's casualty is closing to 70K.
- Final shot: The remaining facade of a deserted catholic seminary is seen after it collapsed in an earthquake
One photo shows a couple just before the earthquake, their arms around each other, smiling and clean. "What is happiness, happiness is safe and sound," the caption says. "Having gone through a life-and-death test, they surely will clasp hands and grow old together." God bless them.
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Via sources: Dragon photo, 1 2 3 4
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