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A.R.Karthick , , , , , , Comments

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Robert Maddox, a 47-year old American who specializes in designing and building the largest pulse-jet engines with powers up to 1000 pounds in the world. If that's not a cool enough hobby, he's also bolted one to a bicycle. Believe it or not!


The 50-ish pounds of thrust (run on kerosene) developed by the engine could push the bike up to 75 MPH, which would be a real bone-shaker of a ride. And a deafening one too: the pulse jet engine makes a frightening racket, and its humming sound earned the Second World War cruise-missile V1s that used similar engines the nicknames buzzbomb and doodlebug. You can hear and see the results of this DIY craziness in this video clip.

I am not so sure that your neighbors would love you as you fired up your jet-powered bicycle for the morning commute, but with a 75 miles per hour top speed, at least you'll get to the office/school/college or even to hospital (no pun intended) quickly. Cheers Maddox!

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