Carrying on aerobic fitness past middle age and beyond could delay the aging process by more than 10 years to 12 years and prolong self-reliant living, according to a new review of research on aerobic fitness and dependency in old age.
According to Wiki:
Aerobic exercise refers to exercise that involves or improves oxygen consumption by the body. Aerobic means "with oxygen", and refers to the use of oxygen in the body's metabolic or energy-generating process. Many types of exercise are aerobic (Such as day to day Walking, Jogging, Running, Bicycling, Stair claimbing, Dancing, Swimming etc), and by definition are performed at moderate levels of intensity for extended periods of time. To obtain the best results, an aerobic exercise session involves a warming up period, followed by at least 20 minutes of moderate to intense exercise involving large muscle groups, and a cooling down period at the end.
Decent aerobic capacity was a prime factor in helping pretty old people to maintain a high quality of life and live without relying on others. Regular aerobic exercise improves the body's ability to take in oxygen and use it, but a person's maximal aerobic power falls steady as people age.
Studies of aerobic training response in older people have shown that workouts, especially more intense physical activity maintained for a longer duration, can improve aerobic power. In fact, few studies of this type of exercise found people's aerobic power increased nearly 25 % -- equivalent to reversing 12 years' worth of aging-related loss of fitness.
Elderly people who engage in progressive aerobic training can maintain their independence longer, in effect by turning back the clock on the loss of aerobic fitness that occurs with aging. Other positive spin-offs of aerobic fitness include reduced risks of serious illness, faster recovery after injury or illness, and reduced risks of falls due to maintenance of muscle power, balance and coordination. From the practical viewpoint, regular aerobic activity can address many of the issues of both functional loss and chronic disease," he writes.
Source: British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2008
For more details about Aerobics, Refer Here.
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